

[转载]【回顾/伊斯塔安塔瑞斯】银河战争历史  此博文包含图片 (2016-12-31 09:36:53)转载▼
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Universe came into existence as a result of dynamic tension between the Absolute and contingency. Although the Absolute is eternal, infinite and perfect in the area of meaning, his power is limited with senselessness of contingency as contingency is his logical opposite. Contingency existed as a potential random wave function, which was manifested into a multidimensional space/time membrane by the will of the Absolute. Universe came into existence inside this membrane. The Absolute intervenes into the universe with his free will (thirteenth ray) which arranges chaotic contingency of the universe into a meaningful whole of twelve rays that represent twelve energetic qualities of the universe. Until recently only seven lower rays, which are quite developed, were known on this planet. But now information about five higher rays is also present. The twelve rays are:


First ray: will
Second ray: love
Third ray: creative intelligence
Fourth ray: harmony
Fifth ray: concrete knowledge
Sixth ray: idealism
Seventh ray: manifestation
Eighth ray: divine grace
Ninth ray: genius
Tenth ray: integration
Eleventh ray: link between dimensions
Twelfth ray: absolute positivity
Presence of the Absolute in the universe strenghtens positivity and supports evolution whereas presence of contingency strenghtens negativity and blocks evolution. Therefore negativity and suffering never have a higher purpose as some people erroneously think. Only good can bring about good. Purpose of the Absolute is to permeate contingency with his presence and to lead the evolution of the universe to a point where all contingency will merge with him. The Absolute has chosen Local cluster of galaxies as a sector in the universe where the most negative part of contingency will be resolved. The archidemons were angelic beings who have chosen to delve into the contingency of matter millions years ago in order to transform it with their consciousness. They were carrying this too far and with mutual implantations they lost their awareness and got lost into darkness. Thus dark lords were created. They began to attack planets, to implant and enslave the population there and to create mutant races with genetic engineering. The Ascended masters have limited this infection of darkness to our galaxy and M 31 galaxy in Andromeda. The forces of light have gathered their star fleets and began to liberate infected areas. Thus galactic wars began. The forces of light were most succesful in Andromeda galaxy and the forces of darkness were running away into our galaxy. Around the Central sun of our galaxy an advanced civillization came into existence which began to create a Galactic network of light. Galactic legend says that Galactic network of light will be soon completed and then all darkness will vanish from the universe. So dark forces had to run away from the area of light in the centre of the galaxy into less evolved surroundings. They have chosen a planet of darkness, orbiting a star named Rigel in Orion as their main stronghold. The central point of darkness was a captured angelic being which was changed into a horseshoe shaped deformed creature with a very powerful implantation process.

“绝对”在宇宙中的出现加强了正性并支持著进化,反之,“偶发性”在宇宙中的出现则加强了负性并阻碍著进化。因此,不是一些人错误地认为的那样,负性和受苦从来都不带著一个更高的目的。只有美好才能带来美好。“绝对”的目的是通过他的现身来渗透“偶发性”并带领宇宙的进化到达一个点,即所有的“偶发性”都与他同化合併。“绝对”选择了本地星团来作为宇宙的一个扇区,在那裡,“偶发性”最负面的部分将会被分解消灭。阿尔基恶魔(archidemons)曾是一群天使存有,数百万年前,为了通过他们的意识来转化“偶发性”,他们选择了沉降到属于“偶发性”的物质当中。他们走得太远了,借由相互间共有的植入物,他们失去了他们的意识,迷失在了黑暗之中。就这样,黑暗之主(dark lords)诞生了。他们开始攻佔行星,植入并奴役那裡的居民,并用基因机器来制造变异的种族。扬升大师们把这个黑暗侵略局限在了我们的星系和仙女座M 31星系的范围以内。光明势力组建了他们的星际舰队并开始解放被佔领的地区。就这样,银河战争开始了。光明势力在仙女座星系取得了最大的胜利,而黑暗势力则逃到了我们星系中。一个诞生于我们的星系大中央太阳周围的高等文明开始创造一个银河光之网络。银河传说(Galactic legend)提到银河光之网络不久之后就将完成,那时宇宙中的所有黑暗都将被演灭一空。因此,黑暗势力不得不从银河系中心光的区域逃到周边的一些没有那么进化的地方。他们选择了一颗环绕猎户座中名为参宿七的一颗星星运转的黑暗行星来作为他们的老巢。黑暗的中心点曾是一个被俘获的天使存有,被一个极为强大的移植程序改变成了一个马蹄铁状的畸形生物。

Success of the forces of light was such that 25 thousand years main area of darkness was limited to a certain sector of the Galaxy named the Local logos. This is a galactic sector with its centre in the Pleiades and a radius of about one thousand lightyears. Inside the Local logos, the forces of light had their main centres in the following star systems: Pleiades, Sirius, Hyades, Betelgeuse, EL AN RA stargate in the belt of Orion, Horsehead nebula in Orion, Vega, M 27 planetary nebula in Lyra, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti. The forces of darkness had their main strongholds in the following star systems: Rigel, Alpha Draconis, Zeta Reticuli 1, Zeta Reticuli 2, Epsilon Bootes, Altair, Capella, and Barnard star. Penetration of the light forces had provoked a violent reaction of the dark forces and a mutiny of various mutant races throughout the galaxy which have decided to change planet Earth into a quarantine and to use its population as hostages to stop the light forces.

25000年前光明势力的胜利令他们与黑暗势力被局限在了银河系的一个特定扇区中,名为地方标识(Local logos)。这个银河系扇区的中心点是昂宿星,其半径为1千光年。在地方标识,光明势力在下列的恒星系统中有著他们的主要中心:昂宿星,天狼星,毕星团,猎户座一等星,猎户座腰带上的EL AN RA星门,猎户座的马头星云,织女星,天琴座的M 27行星状星云,半人马座阿尔法星,天苑四和天仓五。黑暗势力在下列的恒星系统中有著他们的主要要塞:参宿七,阿尔法天龙星,齐塔网罟座1,齐塔网罟座2,ε牧夫座,河鼓二,五车二,以及巴纳德星。光明势力的穿透激起了黑暗势力的一个强烈反应,为了阻止光明势力,一个波及全银河的各种各样变异种族的暴动决定把行星地球变成隔离区并把它的居民劫持为人质。

When Earth became a quarantine, Ashtar achieved his ascension with assistance of his living mandala and thus opened a door to a project of Ascension waves, which will occur at the victory of the light forces on Earth. Ashtar's acsension was the last act of the light forces on Earth before darkness came in. Ascended masters have left the Earth and Atlantean priests have retreated under the surface. Civillization of late Atlantis was decaying on the surface and nobody could escape implantations that were happening over and over again. Soul consciousness of people sank into oblivion. The Blue lodge of Sirius created the Order of the Star 16000 years ago to stop the decay of Atlantis and heal the separation but this failed and Atlantis was finally destroyed in June 9564 BCE.

当地球变成隔离区的时候,阿斯塔,在他的曼陀罗的帮助下,实现了他的扬升并因此给扬升波(Ascension waves)的计划开启了一扇门,当光明势力在地球上获得胜利时,扬升波就会出现。黑暗势力侵入地球以前,阿斯塔的扬升是光明势力在地球上的最后活动。扬升大师们离开了地球,亚特兰提斯的祭司则撤退到了地面以下。地面上晚期的亚特兰提斯文明陷入腐朽衰败,没人能从那一次又一次发生的植入活动中逃脱。人们的灵魂意识落入到了遗忘之中。为了阻止亚特兰提斯的沉沦并疗癒那分离,16000年前,Blue lodge of Sirius创造了秩序之星,但这还是失败了,公元前9564年6月(距今11576年前),亚特兰提斯终于被毁灭。

The decay continued although divine dynasties of Egypt tried to preserve the tradition of Atlantis. The Central galactic civillization intervened strongly on Earth 3500 years ago and influenced the rise of high culture on Crete. Due to considerable sucess of this project, the underground Agartha and the Atlantean network decided to actively intervene on the surface and this caused the prosperity of Graeco-Roman culture. The Order of the Star used this opportunity and through Jesus tried to awaken humanity for a possibility of Ascension and to create an awareness of the divine plan of ultimate victory over the dark forces.


Forces of darkness reacted strongly and sent reinforcements from the Andromeda galaxy. That caused the fall of the Roman empire and started a thousand years of darkness in the middle ages. The cosmic turning point, which was set for 11th August 1999 already 25 thousand years ago, began to draw near.


Around the year 1500, which is one halfmillenial cycle before the cosmic turning point, the Atlantean network and the underground Agartha caused the bloom of renaissance. Halfmillenial cycle of convergence corresponds with seventy weeks of years from an old byblical prophecy.

在1500年,宇宙转折点之前的1个半千年周期(Halfmillenial cycle)左右,亚特兰提斯网络和地下的阿加森带来了文艺复兴的开花盛放。半千年周期的汇聚印証了一个古老的巴比伦预言。

Around 1750, which is one half of halfmillenial cycle before the turning point, the enlightenment movement began to prosper under the influnece of Atlanteans and Agarthians. This movement made an attempt to improve the social condition of humanity. Rapid development of science took place that led towards industrial revolution. Dark forces devised a plan for a New World Order as a reaction to that.


One quarter of halfmillenial cycle before the turning point, in 1875, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founded the Theosophical society and thus triggered a spiritual awakening on the surface of the planet. It was then possible for the Ascended masters to influence the planetary situation since people were more aware of their existence. True esoteric knowledge, hidden until then, began to spread among people. WW 1 was a reaction of the dark forces on this awakening.


In 1937, which is one eighth of halfmillenial cycle before the turning point, the dark forces wanted to prevent a new awakening and prepared WW 2. When this war was over, the light forces have cleared vast sectors of the Galaxy and the Galactic Confederation began to actively intervene in the consciousness of humanity with new teachings and appearances of UFOs.


In 1968, which is one sixtieenth of halfmillenial cycle before the turning point, a spiritual awakening happened in the shape of hippie movement and the sexual revolution. This was the peak period of American space program, which is the greatest publicly known achievement of Earthlings in the area of space exploration. As a reaction of the dark side a stroke of Andromedan dark forces happened in 1975 which caused a downfall of the hippie movement and almost destroyed the space program. Other consequences of this stroke were not publicly seen, although they were even more painful. Through the intervention of the Absolute on 25th May 1975 a cosmic doorway opened on Earth, which began to transform darkness of this planet.


1/32 of halfmillenial cycle before the turning point, at the end of 1983, the Absolute has revealed a vision of the end of linear space/time continuum to certain individuals and thus anchored the time axis of eternity on this planet. On 17th August 1987 hundreds thousands individuals have opened the doorway of Harmonic convergence, which strenghtened a connection between the Galactic confederation and Earth. The Absolute has set planet Earth in the center of his attention by opening a dimensional doorway which causes a lifting of planetary consciousness from the third towards the fifth dimension between 1987 and 2012. 1/64 of halfmillenial cycle before the turning point, on 11th January 1992, multitudes of star people have opened the doorway of 11:11. Through eleven gates of 11:11 the Absolute will anchor higher aspects of the first eleven rays. Between 1994 and 1996 there was a time window for a possibility for the first wave of Ascension. The probability of success was around 40% and Ascended masters did everything to make this happen. But incarnated star beings on Earth decided with their free will mainly against the Ascension waves, the key individuals have accepted incorrect decisions and so the critical mass had not been achieved. Whole project was thus postponed to a period after the public physical contact with extraterrestrial civillizations. This will ease decision for many and citical mass will be easily achieved. With the purpose of preventing the entry of humanity into a New age a cosmic stroke of evil forces happende on 11th January 1996. This was the most terrible attack on Earth in the last 25 thousand years. There was a nuclear war on etheric and astral plane that luckily did not spread towards the phyical plane, since humanity used its free will to say no to a nuclear war on the physical plane. This cosmic stroke of the forces of evil has almost destroyed light on Earth. All remaining anomaly of the universe was streaming towards the Earth through infected Local logos. Other sectors of the Galaxy and the rest of the universe were being liberated from darkness and were in their final purification. On 17th May 1998 the winter solstice point on the ecliptic has crossed the galactic equator. That only happens once in 25 thousand years so this was the end of the previous and beginning of the next 25 thousand years cycle.

在1983年年末,宇宙转折点之前的1/32个半千年周期,“绝对”将线性时空连续体结束的景象揭示给了几个特定的个体并由此把一根永恒的时间轴锚定在了这颗星球上。在1987年8月17日,数千名个体开启了和谐汇聚(Harmonic convergence)的大门,这加强了银河联邦与地球之间的联系。通过开启一扇维度之门,“绝对”把行星地球放在了他注意力的中心,而这扇维度之门则将与1987至2012年间把行星的意识从第三维度提升到第五维度。在1992年1月11日,宇宙转折点之前的1/64个半千年周期,一群星际人类开启了11:11之门。经由11:11的十一道门户,“绝对”将锚定第一个11之光的更高面向。在1994年至1996年间有一扇时间之窗,代表著扬升的第一道波(first wave of Ascension)出现的可能。成功的可能性在40%左右,为了使它发生,扬升大师们竭尽了一切所能。但转生于地球上的星星存有们决定以他们的自由意志来反对这次扬升波,那些有著关键意义的个体们也接受了这个错误的决定,因此没有达到使其发生的临界质量。整个计划都因此而被推迟了一段时间,一直持续到与外星文明的实际公开接触。这将改变许多人的决定因此也更容易达到临界质量。为了阻止人类进入新世纪,1996年1月11日,一次邪恶势力的衝击发生了。这是近25000年来在地球上发生的一次最可怕的攻击。在以太层和星光层有一次核战争,幸运的是它没有波及到物质层中,因为人类通过他们的自由意志反对著发生在物质层的核战争。这个影响全宇宙的邪恶势力衝击几乎毁灭了地球上的光。经由被侵袭的地方标识,全宇宙残馀的反常异象都汇聚到了地球。银河系的其它扇区以及宇宙的其它部分则都已从黑暗中解放,并且已经进入了它们最后的淨化进程。在1998年5月17日,位于黄道上的冬至点跨过了银道。这样的事件每过25000年才发生一次,所以这次的事件是前一次周期的结束,是下一个25000年周期的开始。

On 11th August 1999 at the total solar eclipse a cosmic turnnig point occured in the form of the fourth gate of 11:11. The Absolute transmitted then a special key to the universe, a key called the New heaven. This key is a tool which enables the universe to purify itself from the darkness completely. At the fourth gate of 11:11 this key has completely purified the whole universe except the Local cluster of galaxies.

在1999年8月11日日全食之时,一个宇宙转折点以11:11第四道门户(the fourth gate of 11:11)的形式发生了。“绝对”把一把特殊的钥匙放置进了宇宙,一把名为新天堂(New heaven)的钥匙。这把钥匙是一个工具,它将使宇宙能够从黑暗之中彻底地淨化它自己。在11:11第四道门户,这把钥匙彻底淨化了整个宇宙,除了银河系的本地星团。

In December 1999 a mutiny against the dark forces happened on planet X and in few weeks of severe fighting planet X was liberated on 21st December 1999. Many members of Resistance movement have come to Earth into the underground where they are waiting for the right moment to liberate Earth as well.


By using the key of New heaven the whole Local galactic cluster was purified from darkness on 25th March 2001, except our particular solar system. At the activation of the fifth gate of 11:11 on 19th October 2002 the Absolute began to transmit a new key to the universe, named New Earth. This key is a subkey to a key of New heaven and is a tool for purification from darkness for planet Earth. Next part of this key will be received at the activation of the sixth gate of 11:11 which will happen in May or June 2004.

通过对新天堂钥匙的运用,2001年3月25日,整个银河系本地星团都得到了淨化,除了我们那独特的太阳系。在2002年10月19日11:11第五道门户(the fifth gate of 11:11)开启时,“绝对”开始把一把新的钥匙带给宇宙,名为新地球(New Earth)。这把钥匙是新天堂钥匙的子钥匙,是一个把行星地球从黑暗之中淨化的工具。这把钥匙的下一个部分将于2004年5月或6月11:11第六道门户(the sixth gate of 11:11)开启的时候发挥作用。

Harmonic concordance in November 2003 marks the end of absolute rulership of dark forces on Earth which lasted seven years, beginning on 11th January 1996 and reaching its maximal intensity in summer 1999 arouns the fourth gate of 11:11. These seven years of darkness are mentioned in many old prophecies and have caused ultimate purification of the universe and concentration of remaining darkness around Earth, where it will be cleared until 21st December 2012, when the Absolute will transmit the last part of the key of New Earth.


Ishtar Antares


